Friday, November 30, 2007

the "tell~all" of 7 random/weird facts about me...

tara tagged me for this...enjoy!

1. when recalling an event/incident from the past, my family can attest to the fact that i usually relate the event/incident to what i was wearing...

2. i love to eat cereal but can't stand for it to get soggy. i have to have the spoon right there ready to go so once the milk is poured i can get busy with it. :) hence, i'm a fast cereal eater!

3. when i buy a bag of licorice i open it & leave it for the licorice to harden a bit before i eat...i know, this is really weird.

4. i love to play board games & cards...we dont' get a chance to play very much these days. some of my favorites are: cranium, scene it, pinochle, hand & foot, the list goes on

5. this is a gross one, but...i am obsessed with blemishes - only mine or dennis'! ...i know most of you are saying "ewww" right now, but that's the truth!

6. when i make kraft mac & cheese, i put extra milk in it because i like it "soupy"

7. i record days of our lives & watch it every day! i've been watching it since i was a wee girl.

i tag jerolyn since n8 & dee have abandoned their blog :) & tara tagged me for this


Jerolyn said...

Ok A~I already did this a while back on my blog and although I'm sure I could come up with 7 more weird fact about myself I decline to do so

and B~ 5 and 6 are equally GROSS! Soupy Mac n Cheese? EEEWWW I can't stand it. YUCK. I can barely gag it down according to the regular directions In fact I bought the powder cheese in the can just so I can add some to make it thicker. FOR once we differ in something! I was beginning to think we were twins seperated at birth!!!

Taralee said...

DUUUDE, we should totally be game buddies. I LOVE to play games, but I never get to play them. I'm glad you did this, I love reading about peoples "stuff"!!! :) And I'm the exact same way with my cereal! It's like a race and I have to have everything ready to get eating. The licorice on the other hand I Like soft!

Jerolyn said...

p.s did you use the word blemish to "lighten" the wierdness of that? Who says Blemish anyway? Hang on a sec, I need to squeeze this BLEMISH! You crack me up Jen!

Allen Fieldhouse said...

you're right jer, i did say blemish instead of ZIT ... it sounded so gross already i had to do something to soften the blow! also, i knew these strange things about me would have an adverse affect on our "sister hood".

tara, we'll have to have a game night sometime! :)